Portal Song

I’ve finished my first semester back in school, so I have some time this summer to get back into writing more often. (For the record, I got straight As)


Currently working on a Hitofude cardigan using Tess Designer Yarns’ Raw Silk on wooden size 5 needles. I foresee this project taking quite a while to complete. Might end up working on some smaller projects when I get bored.

Papallacta Hot Springs

Papallacta Hot Springs

I’m also very recently back from a family trip to South America (as of the time of this writing, I am munching on Huevitos chocolates. So good!) and I think I’m still pretty sad about it, and leaving so much of my family behind on another continent. However, it was a wonderful trip & I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Quito seen from Pinchincha

Quito seen from Pinchincha

My next tuition payment is due in about a month and a half, and it’s going to be a scramble to get that paid off as quickly as possible. (It’s a local community college, so not *too* bad, but still enough to hurt.) Things are going to get budget friendly.

Currently on my kneedles.

I currently have 3 projects in progress right now, which is a lot for me. Usually, I like to start a project and finish it as quickly as possible to start the next project. However, the projects I currently have on the needles are something else.

  1. Olive Sweater. I bought 1700 yards of fingering weight Miss Babs Katahdin last Rhinebeck, which I intended for this sweater. The sweater is almost entirely stockinette stitch. 2 months in, I have just gotten down to my boobs. 
  2. Socks. You know what? I’m going to frog these. I hate the way the colors look together, and I’m pretty sure they’re too big. They were going to be a project I worked on during jury duty, but that ended quickly.
  3. Surprise sweater for a baby. Not a baby surprise, which I believe has to be the ugliest sweater ever designed for a baby. Sure, it’s a marvelously clever way of putting something together, and looks lovely laid out. But it looks like absolute shit on a baby. Details to follow. Eventually, probably. 


No photos, because it’s nighttime, and I don’t want to drag out my lightbox just to take pictures of wips.